Fight for the Net is an educational card game on algorithmic governance and policy making for healthier information systems.  It was co-developed by the designer Elena Falomo and the lawyer and scholar Matthias Ketteman, as part of a collaboration within the “Generation A = Algorithm” project by the Goethe Institute.

The graphic design has been realised by the wonderful Alessia Arcuri and John Philip Sage, the game mechanics were developed in collaboration with La Tana del Nerd.

Each card introduced a strategy or mechanism leveraged by actors that spread misinformation and disinformation, as well as counter-strategies to stop the spread of bogus information. In the team-based role playing game, two teams are battling against each other to impose their strategies on Handshake, a fictional social network. Players are asked to become decision and policy makers, thus subverting the normalised hierarchy of information systems. 

The card game will be printed in Autumn 2022 and it will be launched through the website keep an eye out for any update.

The game was co-designed through multiple workshops held at MozFest2022 and re:pubblica 2022.

The card set doubles as a dictionary of all the strategies deployed by bogus information actors.



Some of the works presented in this page are the result of collaborations with other individuals, institutions, collectives, and more-than-human agents to whom I’d like to express my gratitude.